Sunday, 20 February 2011

Your opinion, assignment 7 week 8

How did you like the book? Give me your opinion about the main character, the setting, the storyline and the level of English!


  1. I really liked the book, it was serious but also funny at some moments. I think it is incredible to see Cole development and the book shows that people can really change. I also liked the setting because it makes it a bit mysterious. I liked the storyline because in the beginning it goes back and forth between to times and spaces, but this also makes it a very hard book to read. In the beginning I sometimes really thought Huh!? But later on I started to get used to the story line. The level of English is high but when you have read a few chapters you actually get used to the style etc. and then it is easier to read. I really enjoyed reading this book.

  2. I did also like the book, I liked it so much that I finished reading the book in three days!

    I first didn't like Cole because he was a stupid boy who hits everyone and only thinks about himself. Luckily, he changed and I was more interested in the book. In the end, I think that Cole is a very kind and friendly person. So, Cole has changed very much in the book.

    I have the same opinion about the book as Aisha, it makes the book a bit mystirious.

    I did liked the story line because I like it when stories are going back and forth (like first to the future, then to the past and then back to the future). However, it is good that it changes in the end where it is only in this time and not in the future or in the past.

    The English was quite easy because I haven't had problems with it, only some words like the words that we had to look up in a previous assignment.

    It was a really good book with a good story.


  3. I wouldn't say I didn't like the book, but I don't love it either. The beginning was real muddling because of constnatly going back and forth between time. The story is well done, congratulations to the author for making a main character annoying and hateful, but making him kind in the end.

    I've read the book slowly and carefully so I would really understand everything, but that wasn't too much of a problem as the level of English was quite easy to understand and get used to.

    All with all, it was a nice book yet not easy to get into because of the numerous flashbacks.

  4. I realy liked the book. In the beginning I thought that Cole was such a loser that he does all that stuff and lies to everybody. But I also saw myself in him. Not that I'm gonna hit everybody etc. I think that everyone can see himself in Cole. Don't get me wrong. I mean that I think that when you look at what Cole has gone trough you might understand why he is filled with so much anger.

    I like the setting too, because it completes the book. The mysterious weather and animals.

    In the first chapters it was pretty hard to read, because there are a lot of flashbacks. But when you get used to it, it makes the book realy nice.

    The level of english is pretty high, but most of the time you can get the meaning out of the context. And after a few chapters it get's easier because you get used to the level.


  5. I think the book is pretty touching -I found the word perfect to describe given the title of the book :)-, although I sometimes didn't like the style in which the author wrote. For example, chapter eleven. The scene with the mouse in it. Normally I would be able to just get along with such things, but I think that this part of the book was... Well.. let's call it disgusting. It's not like I had bad dreams of it, but I think it's too much information abuot cracking skulls.

    I did like the 'moving in time'. It was funny to read a page and suddenly need to conclude that you're in another time 'area'. I really liked the characters, too, because of the strong personalities. Cole, for example, expressed his rage in such a way that I though he was right about the world (He thought nothing was 'worth it'). I also liked the way in which Peter was described, because I strongly thought of him acting stupid at the island.

    So, in general I liked the book, I only disliked some needless details.


  6. I really liked the book a lot! In the beginning of the book I couldn't really follow the story, because I thought that there were a lot of difficult words. But when you've read a few chapters, you really get into the story. I was really into the book. Everytime I stopped reading, I wanted to read further. I also think that the book inspired me of what can happen in life, and that you need to be happy with the things you have in life like your family. The book learns you a lot about how life is and how to deal with it and you problems..
    I actually liked the story line very much. It was not hard to follow it, even with the flashbacks. I think that made it a bit more interesting, because the book starts in the middle of Cole's problem. With the flashbacks you kind of know what happened before he got his problems, or what the reason was to his problems.
    The main character was Cole. In the beginning of the book, I didn't like him at all. He looked stupid with his actions, but when you read the book you get to know him better. You know why he acts like that tough guy, but you also learn that he has pain and is a sad boy. When I knew all those things, I thought very different about him. I really thought like, wow he has been through a lot of problems and pain.
    The level of English was very high and in th beginning of the book that made it very boring to read the story for me. But when you read along the story, you understand it a lot better and the context makes it a lot easier to read. I've also learned a few new words, so I think that's good.

    Lisa V.

  7. i agree strongly with Pierre about what he posted about the flashbacks. I thought they were very annoying and because it made the reading more difficult.

    I didn't particularly like Cole because he kept looking at other peoples flaws instead of his. But when i got to the middle kind of started to understand his anger issues. And around the end i started to feel bad for him.

    the setting was nice because it was on a island but the book didn't really give you any details on that.

    Apart from the flashbacks the storyline was nice and I liked the level of English.


  8. I totally agree with Pierre and Nychenda, the flashback were very annoying, and after a while, I almost hated the book for the flashbacks.

    Like I said, I didn’t like the book at the beginning, and I felt sorry for myself to read it, but after page 40 (or somewhere around that page) I liked the book. The author of the book wrote the book in such way, that it felt that I was Cole, and I felt sorry for him. Like Pierre also said, Cole was very annoying and hateful at the beginning of the book, but that he was relaxed and peaceful at the end. I want to congratulate the author for such a good book.
    The book wasn’t very easy, with all the difficult words, but I knew what was written down because of the level of English we have in class.

    I liked the book very much.


  9. Hello miss,
    To be honest, i didn't really like the book at first, i understood nothing of it. Then it began to be nice, but then the flasbacks came and they really were annoying. After a while the book became a bit more fun to read. With other words, i began to enjoy reading. Before i knew it i finished the book. After all the book was fun, but it was nog really my type of books. The level of english was just higher than my level, so i learned a lot of it. With other words, the book was rather good.


  10. well the beginning of the book was really boring. But later it gets really exciting. I read the half of the book in less than one weekend !

    I didn't like Cole that much but I hated his parents and especially his mom who was silent all day long instead of doing something against the father. However it is his own responsibility if he start to hit people or steal from shops.

    Just like pierre I the flashbacks anoyed me very much and made the story very complicated.

    The level of English wasn't that high although there were quite a lot of difficult words.

    How did you like the book? Give me your opinion about the main character, the setting, the storyline and the level of English!

  11. I think everyone agree, when I say that the beggining of the story was really boring. Later on it became more exciting and I began to enjoy it.

    Then about the main character Cole. I didn't really like him he actually reminded me to a boy in my class on primary school. And if I think of the parents of Cole, I don't lie if I say I actually hated them. The discription that Cole gives in the book is, in my opinion, the correct discription.

    I think the book started with a high level of English. You really had to come into the book. If you understand the story and the story line you will understand the English better.

    Then the flashbacks, I think they were so annoying. They really pulled you out of the story and this made you understand it less.


  12. I think everyone told it already but I didn´t liked the beginning. It was boring, the flashbacks made it complicated, and the English was difficult and I also found Cole was a horrible boy. But from the moment Cole was escaping from the island became it more interesting. I wanted to know what was going to happen more to Cole. I also started to understand him better, why he had done all those worse things to Peter. The English wasn´t that difficult anymore. I really enjoyed the end it was peaceful, I never thought it would end like this.


  13. How did you like the book? Give me your opinion about the main character, the setting, the storyline and the level of English!

    I didn't really like the book because there was much about feelings and I don't really understand the way Cole thinks. First he thinks very straight forward and the next moment he thinks really complicated and that's the point where I got lost. Besides that, the setting fits good with the storyline, when I read the book and I thought it was complicated, sometimes it became clear according to the setting e.g.:
    'Cole wanted desperately to live...the gulls hopped beyond his reach.' (P.89)
    In this piece the setting is really needed to understand the story.
    There was a very good storyline and because of the flashbacks the story sometimes became clearer and sometimes vaguer. I think the level of English was a bit difficult but if you read further you can discover the meaning, just by looking at the context.

  14. This book was interesting, but I wouldn't read it if I just read the blurb of the book.
    Cole is kind of complicated and sometimes a bit whiny. I really get irritated when he blames everyone for everything HE has done. It really gets on my nerves. But later on I get why he has anger problems and that's sad to know.
    What also was kind of annoying was that if you read that e.g. Cole is on the island, the next page is about the circle justice, I didn't like those 'flashbacks'.
    The story itself is interesting because before I read this book, I'd never heard of Circle Justice nor about 'Spirit Bear'.
    The level of English was good. I could easily read it and had no problems with difficult words or something.
    So I think I like the book, but some things were kind of annoying to read.

